Homeopathy for Breast Feeding

Even though breast feeding is a natural process, many moms feel they want to give up on breastfeeding after a while due to different difficulties they might be experiencing during it.

Homeopathy can be particularly helpful for the most common breastfeeding problems. The homeopathic medicines are fast acting and completely safe for the baby.

Low milk supply

Ricinus communis 6C can help you increase milk secretion. Make sure you use this medicine in the right potency because different potencies of Ricinus exert a different action - 6C improves milk secretion while 30C reduces milk supply and is used for weaning.


Calcarea carbonica30C often helps if you have too much milk.

Clogged/plugged ducts, breast pain and mastitis

Clogged/plugged milk ducts happen if your breasts are not completely drained of milk on a regular basis. You may notice a hard lump on your breast or soreness to the touch and even some redness. The prevention of clogged ducts and mastitis includes regular nursing and pumping to empty your breast (try emptying your breast at least every 2-3 hours).

Mastitis is a bacterial infection in your breasts marked by fever and pain in your breasts and you should see your doctor. About 1 in 10 breastfeeding women are affected by mastitis. It usually develops in the first three months after giving birth.

Belladonna 30C, Phytolacca 30C or Bryonia 30C provide fast pain relief in enlarged and inflamed heavy breasts with redness and hard lumps. They should be taken every hour until improvement occurs and then gradually reduce the dosage to three times a day.

The earlier you start the homeopathic treatment, the greater your chance to avoid antibiotics and painkillers. If the situation does not improve rapidly within 24 hours, call your doctor.

Cracked nipples

The two most commonly used medicines for cracked nipples include:

  • Nitricum acidum – for bleeding and painful cracks
  • Graphites – itchy cracks oozing honey-like discharge


When to wean is a personal decision. To allow both mom and baby to adjust physically and emotionally to the change, weaning should be a gradual process. Weaning is easier and painless if you take homeopathic medicines. They decrease the milk supply, thus relieving the swelling of the breasts and the pain. The most commonly used homeopathic medicines for weaning include Lac caninum 30C, Pulsatilla 30C or Ricinus communis 30C.

Dr. Yurukova

footer-picVasilka Yurukova, MD is a leading medical and integrative practitioner who specializes and trains in homeopathy. In addition to offering a homeopathic and natural alternative healing approach, Dr.Yurukova offers root cause analysis of health issues, as well as individualized nutritional and digestive advice, and lifestyle changes.

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