Hot Flashes

Treating hot flushes in menopausal women with homeopathic treatment - results of an observational study.

Bordet MF, Colas A, Marijnen P, Masson J, Trichard M.
Homeopathy. 2008 Jan;97(1):10-5.



There is great controversy concerning treatment for menopausal symptoms. We evaluated homeopathic treatments for hot flushes and their effect on quality of life in menopausal women.


Open, multi-national prospective, pragmatic and non-comparative observational study of homeopathic treatments prescribed and their effectiveness, observing their impact on quality of life.


Ninety-nine physicians in 8 countries took part in this study and included 438 patients with an average age of 55. Homeopathic medicines were prescribed to all patients; 98% of the prescription lines were for homeopathic medicines. Lachesis mutus, Belladonna, Sepia officinalis, Sulphur and Sanguinaria canadensis were the most prescribed. A non-homeopathic treatment and/or food supplement prescribed for 5% of the patients. This observational study revealed a significant reduction (p<0.001) in the frequency of hot flushes by day and night and a significant reduction in the daily discomfort they caused (mean fall of 3.6 and 3.8 points respectively, on a 10cm visual analogue scale; p<0.001). Ninety percent of the women reported disappearance or lessening of their symptoms, these changes mostly taking place within 15 days of starting homeopathic treatment.


The results of this observational study suggest that homeopathic treatment for hot flushes in menopausal women is effective. Further studies including randomized controlled trials should be conducted.

Dr. Yurukova

footer-picVasilka Yurukova, MD is a leading medical and integrative practitioner who specializes and trains in homeopathy. In addition to offering a homeopathic and natural alternative healing approach, Dr.Yurukova offers root cause analysis of health issues, as well as individualized nutritional and digestive advice, and lifestyle changes.

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