Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system.

The urinary tract includes the kidneys and ureters (the upper urinary tract, connecting the kidney to the bladder) or the bladder and urethra (the lower urinary tract, which empties the bladder to the outside).

Most infections involve the lower urinary tract - the bladder and urethra. Bladder inflammation is also known as cystitis and the medical term for inflammation of the urethra is urethritis.

Symptoms and signs of UTI?

The UTI symptoms and signs may vary to age, sex and location of the infection in the urinary tract.

  • persistent urge to urinate
  • burning in the bladder or the urethra during urination
  • frequent urination of small amounts of urine
  • dark, cloudy or bloody urine with foul smell
  • back pain
  • pelvic pain in women or rectal pain in men

Causes of UTI infections:

  • Bacteria - Escherichia coli bacterial strains are the cause in 80% of UTIs; Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Serratia and Neisseria spp.
  • Fungi - Candida and Cryptococcus spp.
  • Parasites - Trichomonas, Schistosoma spp.

Risk factors for UTIs:

Risk factors for developing urinary tract infection include:

  • Females
  • Urinary tract abnormalities
  • Sexually activity
  • Menopause
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Catheterization
  • Previous urological surgery
  • Suppressed immune system

Homeopathic treatment for UTIs:

The homeopathic treatment for recurrent UTIs should be designed for each patient individually because each case is very different from that of another person with UTI.

In conventional medicine antibiotics are commonly used to treat recurrent urinary tract infections but they are not always the answer. Antibiotics are often effective in acute UTIs but their long-term use in chronic UTIs rarely prevents recurrences and is usually followed by development of fungal infections and antibiotic resistance.

Homeopathic medicines boost the immune system and enhance resistance to infection. They are effective with no side effects and are safe for children and pregnant women.
Homeopathy also provides a particularly effective treatment for interstitial cystitis, although there is no cure in conventional medicine

There are two types of homeopathic medicines for UTIs - medicines for quick relief of symptoms and constitutional medicines to prevent recurrences.

Homeopathic medicines for fast relief of UTI symptoms:

  • Arsenicum album - burning pain in the bladder and urethra improved by warm applications; symptoms get worse at night; patient is tired, chilly and restless.
  • Cantharis - constant urge to urinate; burning pain before, during and after urination; scanty urination - passes drop by drop dark colored or bloody urine.
  • Chimaphila - painful urination with scanty urine; UTIs due to enlarged prostate; Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward.
  • Equisetum - pain in the bladder as from distension, pricking in urethra after urination, constant urge to urinate, large amounts of clear urine.
  • Mercurius corrosivus - extremely painful urination, can pass only a few drops of dark or bloody urine; fever and sweating.
  • Sarsaparilla - violent burning sensation at the end of urination; pain in the right kidney area, UTIs due to kidney stones or chronic prostatitis; skin conditions.
  • Staphysagria - inflammation of the bladder after sexual intercourse, “honeymoon” cystitis.

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Dr. Yurukova

footer-picVasilka Yurukova, MD is a leading medical and integrative practitioner who specializes and trains in homeopathy. In addition to offering a homeopathic and natural alternative healing approach, Dr.Yurukova offers root cause analysis of health issues, as well as individualized nutritional and digestive advice, and lifestyle changes.

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