The top 10 homeopathic medicines for children include:
- Aconitum Napellus 30C - Fevers and inflammations of acute onset, usually due to exposure to dry cold, with anxiety, restlessness and thirst. Discontinue when perspiration sets in.
- Apis Mellifica 30C – Hives and swelling; insect bites that are pinkish with stinging pain and swelling .
- Arnica Montana 30C - The number one homeopathic medicine for injuries, bruising. Muscular soreness due to overexertion. You can also apply Arnica cream on the affected skin areas but avoid using it on open wounds.
- Belladonna 30C - High fever of sudden onset with hot, red, flushed face red and sweating. Bright red sore throat with sensation of dryness. Early stage of abscess with redness and throbbing pain.
- Calendula 30C and Calendula ointment prevent inflammation and alleviate pain in bruises and sunburns. The ointment does not cause burning.
- Chamomilla 30C - Peevish, irritable baby or child with hypersensitivity to pain. Relieves colic and teething pain
- Ferrum Phos 30C - Helpful for first stage of inflammation with mild fever and fatigue. For colds in children prone to otitis and bronchitis (prevents these complications).
- Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 30C - Heals acute suppurations such as boils and abscesses - brings a boil to a head. Colds, sore throat or hoarseness with a sensation of a splinter in the throat. Teen acne.
- Ipeca 30C - Constant nausea with vomiting that does not bring any relief. Mouth full of saliva, clean tongue and lack of thirst in spite of frequent vomiting.
- Spongia 30C – croup with barking cough sounds like “sawing through a board of wood”
3-5 pellets every 15-30 minutes to two hours. Less often as the condition improves. Stop when improvement is established.